Professor, Business Analytics, St. Lawrence College 100 Portsmouth Ave, Kingston, ON, Canada K7L 5A6 Email: [email protected] |
Academic EmploymentPositions held at Queen's University unless otherwise stated.
Peer-reviewed Journals
Conference abstracts & presentations
- Feldman-Stewart D, Madarnas Y, Mates M, Tong C, Grunfeld E, Verma S, Carolan H, Brundage MD (2013) Information for decision making by post-menopausal women with hormone receptor positive early-stage breast cancer considering adjuvant endocrine therapy. The Breast, 22(5):919-925
- Feldman-Stewart D, Madarnas Y, Mates M, Tong C, Grunfeld E, Verma S, Carolan H, Brundage MD (2013) Information needs of post-menopausal women with hormone receptor positive early-stage breast cancer considering adjuvant endocrine therapy. Patient Education and Counseling, 93(1):114-121
- Feldman-Stewart D, Tong C, Siemens R, Alibhai S, Pickles T, Robinson J, Brundage MD (2012) The impact of explicit values clarification exercises in a patient decision aid emerges after the decision is actually made: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Medical Decision Making, 32(4):616-626
- Feldman-Stewart D, Brundage MD, Tong C (2011) Information that affects patients’ treatment choices for early stage prostate cancer: a review. Canadian Journal of Urology, 18(6):5998-6006
- Feldman-Stewart D, Capirci C, Brennenstuhl S, Tong C, Abacioglu U, Gawkowska-Suwinska M, Heyda A, Igdem S, Macias V, Monteiro Grillo I, Moynihan C, Parker C, Pijls-Johannesma M, Pimentel N, van Gils F, Wördehoff H (2011) Information needed for decision making by early-stage prostate cancer patients: A comparison of information needs in nine countries. Medical Decision Making, 31(5):754-66
- Feldman-Stewart D, Capirci C, Brennenstuhl S, Tong C, Abacioglu U, Gawkowska-Suwinska M, Heyda A, Igdem S, Macias V, Monteiro Grillo I, Moynihan C, Parker C, Pijls-Johannesma M, Pimentel N, van Gils F, Wördehoff H (2010) Overall information needs of early-stage prostate cancer patients: A comparison of nine countries. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 94:328-333 DOI information: 10.1016/j.radonc.2009.12.038
- Klassen J, Tong C, Flanagan JR (2005) Learning and recall of incremental kinematic and dynamic sensorimotor transformations. Experimental Brain Research, 164: 250-259
- Tong C, Flanagan JR (2003) Task-specific internal models for kinematic transformations. Journal of Neurophysiology, 90: 578-585
- Tong C, Wolpert DM, Flanagan JR (2002) Kinematics and dynamics are not represented independently in motor working memory: Evidence from an interference study. Journal of Neuroscience, 22: 1108-1113
- Wigmore V, Tong C, Flanagan JR (2002) Visuomotor rotation of varying size and direction compete for a single internal model in motor working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 28: 447-457
- Lederman, S.J., Klatzky, R.L., Martin, A. & Tong, C (2003) Relative performance using haptic and/or touch-produced auditory cues in a remote absolute texture identification task. IEEE VR'03, 11th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator systems, 151-158
Conference abstracts & presentations
- Tong C, Feldman-Stewart D, Brundage MD. Prostate cancer patients' preferences for information and decision support: Where, when and how? Presented at 7th Annual Meeting for Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Health Services Research, Toronto, Ont, June 2015
- Tong C, Pukall C, Hutchins G, Jeske N. Living Apart Together (LAT) - Beyond government surveys and qualitative interviews: A research proposal. Presented at 2014 Annual Meeting for Canadian Sex Research Forum, Kingston, Ont, October 2014
- Feldman-Stewart D, Svenson O, Tong C, Brundage, MD. Patient decision aid study feeds back to theory: Tests of differentiation and consolidation. Presented at 35th Annual meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Baltimore, Md, October 2013
- Feldman-Stewart D, Tong C, Madarnas Y, Mates M, TeBrake M, Brundage MD, Grunfeld E, Verma S. Decision support needs to be tailored to the individual patient: adjuvant endocrine therapy for post-menopausal women with receptor-positive early-stage breast cancer. Presented at 34th Annual meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Phoenix, Az, October 2012
- Feldman-Stewart D, Brundage MD, Tong C, Siemens R, Alibhai SMH, Pickles T, Robinson J. Patient decision aids help early-stage prostate cancer patients. Presented at 26th Annual meeting of Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology, Ottawa, Ont, September 2012
- Feldman-Stewart D, Tong, C, Madarnas Y, TeBrake M, Brundage MD, Eisen A. Grunfeld E. Information and decision-making needs of post-menopausal women with early-stage breast cancer considering adjuvant endocrine therapy. Ontario Institute of Cancer Research, Annual Health Services Research Meeting Toronto, Ont, May 2012
- Feldman-Stewart D, Brundage MD, Tong C, Siemens R, Alibhai SMH, Pickles T, Robinson J. Attributes affecting treatment choice for early-stage prostate cancer: many changes and wide differences produce stable results. International Shared Decision Making Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 2011
- Feldman-Stewart D, Madarnas Y, TeBrake M, Eisen A, Tong C, Brundage M, Grunfeld E. Critical First Steps in Knowledge Translation and Decision Support: Evidence from Physicians and from Patients. Presented at 3rd Annual meeting of Ontario Institute of Cancer Research Health Services Research Program, Hamilton, Ont., February 2011
- Feldman-Stewart D, Brundage MD, Tong C, Siemens R, Alibhai SMH, Pickles T, Robinson J. The impact of values clarification in a decision aid: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial emerges slowly over time. Presented to Society for Medical Decision Making, Oct 2010, Toronto, ON. Published: Medical Decision Making January/February 2011 31: E54-E180, doi:10.1177/0272989X10393877
- Feldman-Stewart D, Brundage MD, Tong C, Siemens R, Alibhai SMH, Pickles T, Robinson J. The ‘Value' Of Values Clarification In A Decision Aid: Evidence From A Randomized Controlled Trial And Qualitative Exit Interviews. Presented to Society for Medical Decision Making, Hollywood, CA, October 2009
- Tong C, Lederman SJ, Klatzky RL, Hamilton C. (2005). The role of viscosity in roughness estimates of virtual gratings. Poster presented at the World Haptics Conference, Pisa, Italy
- Tong C, Flanagan JR. (2004). Eye-hand coordination in drawing and tracing. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting for Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA
- Tong C, Flanagan JR. (2003). Eye-hand coordination in skill acquisition. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting for Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA
- Flanagan JR, Tong C, Wolpert DM (2002). State-dependent organization of motor working memory. Paper presented at the Annual Neural Control of Movement Meeting, Naples, USA
- Flanagan JR, Tong C, Johansson RS (2002). Predictive and reactive coordination of gaze and hand movements in object manipulation. Paper presented at the Annual Neural Control of Movement Meeting, Naples
- Tong C, Flanagan JR (2001). Task-specific internal models for kinematic transformations. Poster presented at the Annual Neural Control of Movement meeting, Seville, Spain
- Tong C, Wolpert DM, Flanagan JR (2001). State-dependent interference between kinematic and dynamic learning. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting for the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA
- Tong C, Wigmore V, Beninger RJ, Flanagan JR (2000). Visuomotor rotations of varying size and direction compete for a single internal model in working motor memory. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting for the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA
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